Discovering Hidden Gems: 10 Underrated Video Games You Must Play


In the vast world of video games, there are some hidden gems that often don’t receive the recognition they deserve. These underrated titles offer unique and unforgettable experiences that can rival even the most popular games. If you’re looking for something new and extraordinary to play, here are 10 underrated video games that deserve a spot on your gaming list.

1. Hollow Knight

“Hollow Knight” is a beautifully crafted metroidvania game that immerses players in a dark and mysterious underground world. With stunning hand-drawn visuals, challenging gameplay, and a hauntingly atmospheric soundtrack, this game captivates players from start to finish.

2. Celeste

In “Celeste,” players embark on a platforming adventure as a young woman named Madeline. This indie gem not only offers challenging gameplay but also explores themes of mental health and self-acceptance, making it a truly touching and unforgettable experience.

3. Oxenfree

“Oxenfree” combines a gripping supernatural narrative with a unique dialogue system that impacts the story’s outcome. As players guide a group of friends through a haunted island, they’ll unravel a chilling mystery and forge relationships along the way.

4. Dead Cells

“Dead Cells” is an addictive roguevania game that blends the exploration of metroidvania titles with the challenge and permadeath of roguelike games. With procedurally generated levels and fluid combat, it offers a thrilling and replayable experience.

5. Firewatch

“Firewatch” takes players on a tranquil journey through the Wyoming wilderness. As a fire lookout named Henry, players explore the vast and visually stunning landscape while uncovering a compelling story of isolation and human connection.

6. Undertale

“Undertale” is a unique RPG that allows players to choose between combat and non-violent interactions with monsters. The decisions made throughout the game influence the story, leading to multiple endings and a rich narrative experience.

7. A Hat in Time

In “A Hat in Time,” players take on the role of Hat Kid, a young girl with a magical hat that grants her various abilities. This charming 3D platformer offers delightful worlds to explore, a cast of quirky characters, and memorable gameplay.

8. Stardew Valley

“Stardew Valley” is a relaxing farming simulator that allows players to escape to a small countryside town. With its heartwarming characters, diverse activities, and the freedom to create the farm of your dreams, it’s a game that provides endless hours of enjoyment.

9. Katana ZERO

“Katana ZERO” is a fast-paced action game that combines precision gameplay with an engaging narrative. Players control a samurai assassin, slicing through enemies in stylish combat while uncovering a mind-bending story.

10. The Witness

“The Witness” is a first-person puzzle game set on a mysterious island filled with intricate challenges. As players solve each puzzle, they uncover the island’s secrets and a deeper philosophical narrative.


These 10 underrated video games offer a diverse range of experiences, from captivating narratives to challenging gameplay. Despite not always receiving the same level of attention as blockbuster titles, these hidden gems deliver unique and unforgettable journeys that deserve a place in any gamer’s collection. So, venture beyond the mainstream and discover the wonders of these underrated video games.


  1. Are these underrated games available on multiple platforms?
    Yes, many of these games are available on various platforms, including PC, gaming consoles, and sometimes even mobile devices.
  2. What makes “Celeste” stand out from other platformers?
    “Celeste” stands out for its emotional storytelling, tackling themes of mental health and personal growth, which adds depth to the traditional platforming experience.
  3. Is “Undertale” suitable for players who prefer non-violent gameplay?
    Yes, “Undertale” offers a unique gameplay approach that allows players to complete the game without engaging in combat, focusing on dialogue and choice-based interactions instead.
  4. Can I play “Stardew Valley” multiplayer with friends?
    Yes, “Stardew Valley” has a multiplayer mode that allows you to invite friends to your farm and collaborate in various activities.
  5. Are there any additional content or expansions for “Hollow Knight” and “Dead Cells”?
    Yes, both “Hollow Knight” and “Dead Cells” have received additional content updates and expansions that enhance the gameplay experience even further.